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UK Party Manifestos Miss the Mark on Preventive Health Measures

With rising obesity and diabetes, experts call for stronger action on sugar and public health policies to keep the nation healthy


Key points from article :

Party manifestos focus on reducing waiting lists, modernising hospitals, and increasing GP and dentist appointments, but lack preventive health measures.

Experts highlight the need to prevent ill-health, especially with rising obesity, diabetes, and children needing treatment for rotting teeth.

Sugar consumption reduction is crucial for improving health, but it's scarcely mentioned in the manifestos of England's main parties.

Despite Jamie Oliver's 2015 campaign, and a 2018 sugar tax on soft drinks, broader anti-sugar policies have faced delays and resistance.

Prime Ministers after David Cameron did not pursue anti-obesity measures, citing public health intervention scepticism and food price inflation.

Rishi Sunak postponed further measures like restrictions on promoting unhealthy foods and TV ads until October 2025.

Obesity rates in England rose from 61.2% to 63.8% between 2015-16 and 2021-22, despite the sugar tax.

International comparisons show the UK has higher obesity rates than many European countries, with significant financial costs linked to diabetes care.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Policy, Sugar
UK Party Manifestos Miss the Mark on Preventive Health Measures