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Think before buying yourself that drink

A single drink a day can increase your risk of a stroke causing arrhythmia


Key points from article :

Just one drink a day can raise the risk of an irregular heartbeat.

Drinking habits and heart health of 108,000 people aged 24 to 97 over 4 years were examined.

Consuming 120ml wine, 330ml beer, or 40 ml of spirits-16% more likely to develop AF than tea drinkers.

AF(atrial fibrillation) causes irregular heart rate leading to dizziness, palpitations & strokes.

Risk of atrial fibrillation increased steadily with the amount participants drank.

“ ‘One glass of wine a day’ to protect the heart, as is often recommended, should probably no longer be suggested without balancing risks and possible benefits" - Prof Schnabel.

Research by University Heart & Vascular Center Hamburg published in European Heart Journal

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European Heart Journal

Scientific Journal providing information about cardiovascular diesases.

Renate Schnabel

Professor in cardiology at University Heart Center Hamburg

University Heart and Vascular Center (UHZ)

Heart hospital in Hamburg, Germany

Topics mentioned on this page:
Alcohol, Heart Disease