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Statins as a preventive medicine for “invisible population”

DNA tests might identify ‘invisible population’ who are not currently seen as in danger


Key points from article :

“Invisible population” are people who aren't identified as at risk by screening programmes.

“Invisible population” are people who are at high risk when you include genetics.

If a genetic risk score was included in the screening programmes the statistics could change harshly.

Genetic test would move 528,000 adults who would have been missed, into the high-risk category.

About 4 million people are being treated with statins in England.

People with risky genetic profiles get the greatest benefits from preventative medication.

Genetic scores are very likely to play a role in the management of heart health in the next decade.

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Peter Donnelly

Founder & CEO of Genomics plc and Professor of Statistical Science at the University of Oxford.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Precision Medicine, Heart Disease