A team of researchers in Brazil is preparing to replicate one of the most remarkable experiments in the field of aging science—Harold Katcher’s study, which demonstrated the rejuvenation of old rats using extracellular particles derived from young pigs' blood plasma. Led by Nicolás Cherñavsky and his wife Nina Torres Zanvettor, who has an MSc in medicinal chemistry by the university Unicamp (Brazil), the non-profit Rejuvenation Science Institute (ICR) aims to conduct the experiment in June 2026, though they are still seeking funding to cover the US$ 75,000 cost.
Katcher’s original research, first published in 2020 and fully detailed in the Geroscience journal in October 2023, showed promising signs of age reversal in rodents. However, until now, no independent reproduction of the study has been carried out. The ICR hopes to change that by running an expanded version of the experiment, using 10 rats per group instead of six to ensure greater statistical robustness. Additionally, under the guidance of Professor Marcelo Mori from Unicamp — one of Latin America’s leading research universities — the study will also include a new group of young treated rats to test whether the treatment can maintain youthfulness as well as reverse aging.
The ICR has already conducted a preliminary study with Unicamp, injecting the extracellular particles into young rats to assess their safety and immunogenic response. Now, they are moving forward with preparations for the full experiment. However, funding remains a challenge. While two institutions have committed to contribute (DoNotAge.org with US$ 25,000 and Heales with US$ 10,000), there is still nearly US$ 40,000 to be raised. To bridge this gap, the ICR has launched a crowdfunding campaign and is calling on public supporters to help finance the study through donations on their website (www.rejuvenescimento.org).
The researchers have pledged to share all findings—whether positive or negative—along with complete details on methods and materials. If the results mirror Katcher’s original findings, and the treatment successfully rejuvenates or preserves youth in rats, the team intends to continue administering the therapy to see if it can prevent age-related decline indefinitely. According to Cherñavsky, "Katcher’s groundbreaking theory of aging should be tested in a purely scientific environment, free from commercial constraints or excessive government influence, and we’re calling on everyone who supports its replication to help fund this non-profit effort."
With just over a year to go before the injections begin, the ICR is working diligently to address the technical and bureaucratic requirements for the study. Those interested in following their progress can subscribe to the institute’s newsletter or access their social media for updates on this potentially revolutionary experiment.
Reversal of biological age in multiple rat organs by young porcine plasma fraction in GeroScience journal