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Scientists discover key protein that could prevent age-related vision loss

Boosting IRAK-M protein protects retina in the eyes and paves way for potential AMD treatment


Key points from article :

Scientists discover a protein called IRAK-M that protects the retina in eyes.

Boosting IRAK-M levels could be a new treatment for age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

AMD is a leading cause of vision loss in people over 50.

IRAK-M is part of the immune system and helps maintain healthy retinal cells.

Levels of IRAK-M decrease with age, especially in people with AMD.

Increasing IRAK-M levels helped reduce retinal degeneration.

Researchers are exploring gene therapy to boost IRAK-M levels as a treatment for AMD.

Research by University of Bristol, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

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Science Translational Medicine

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University of Bristol

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Topics mentioned on this page:
Vision (health), Gene Therapy
Scientists discover key protein that could prevent age-related vision loss