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Scientists 3D print brain tissue, paving the way for brain disorder treatments

A personalised approach to healing the brain and restoring lost function


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Scientists at Oxford University have 3D printed brain tissue using human stem cells.

This is the first time that neural cells have been 3D printed to replicate the structure of the cerebral cortex.

The innovative technique employs high-precision droplet printing technology alongside human induced pluripotent stem cells.

The tissue was implanted into mouse brain slices and showed promising integration.

This breakthrough opens doors for personalised brain injury repair treatments and drug testing.

The research was published in the journal Nature Communications.

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Nature Communications

Journal covering all topics in physics, chemistry, and biology

University of Oxford

Collegiate research university and one of the world's leading universities

Topics mentioned on this page:
3D Printing (Healthcare), Stem Cells
Scientists 3D print brain tissue, paving the way for brain disorder treatments