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Reading books may add years to your life


Key points from article :

Reading novels for more than 3.5 hours a week could increase your lifespan by two years.

12-year survival rate 6 per cent higher for book readers.

Surprising given it’s a sedentary activity.

Reading books increases cognition, which causes a survival advantage.

Reading newspapers or magazines do not have the same effect.

Data adjusted for age, sex, race, education, wealth, marital status, and depression.

Yale University study looked at 3,635 Americans over the age of 50.

The study was published in the Social Science & Medicine journal.

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Avni Bavishi

Resident Physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital

Social Science & Medicine

Academic journal covering social science research on health.

Vanessa Wong

Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong

Yale School of Public Health

One of the oldest public health masters programs in the United States.

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