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Oxygen therapy reversed the human age biologically

Not as easy as taking a pill, but a stunning result on both telomeres and senescent cells


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As people age, telomeres shorten, causing cells to stop replicating and senescent cells build up preventing regeneration.

Scientists have shown that giving pure oxygen increased the length of telomeres.

The therapy also reduced senescent cells by up to 37 per cent.

"Ageing can indeed be targeted and reversed at the basic cellular-biological level" - Shai Efrati, Lead author.

The pressurised chamber allows more oxygen to be dissolved into the tissues which is known to have regenerating effects.

"In just three months of therapy, we were able to achieve significant telomere elongation" - Amir Hadanny, Medical Research Officer

"We have now uncovered biological effects at the cellular level in healthy ageing adults." - Dr. Hadanny.

Research by Tel Aviv University published in the journal Aging.

See also: Reason's explanation why peripheral blood immune cells can be poor measures of aging.

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Bio-medical journal covering research on all aspects of gerontology

Amir Hadanny

Neurosurgeon and a hyperbaric physician, Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine

Shai Efrati

Shai Efrati is an Israeli physician, an associate professor at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine and the Sagol School of Neuroscience

Tel Aviv University

Public Research university.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Telomeres, Senescent Cells