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Novel approach effectively silences cholesterol genes in mice for a year

This could lead to long-lasting cholesterol treatments without genetic damages


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Scientists from IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute developed a new method to silence genes for long periods.

They focused on genes that control cholesterol by editing them with "molecular tools" called engineered transcriptional repressors.

In mice, these repressors targeted a specific gene (Pcsk9) that keeps cholesterol levels in check.

The technique involved delivering instructions for making the repressors using fatty particles.

This approach successfully lowered cholesterol in mice for nearly a year, even after their livers were regenerated.

The study, published in Nature, suggests this method could lead to new therapies without harming DNA.

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Scientific journal covering research from a variety of academic disciplines, mostly in science and technology

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

Private university in Milan

Topics mentioned on this page:
Gene Therapy, Cholesterol (blood)
Novel approach effectively silences cholesterol genes in mice for a year