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New laser based method can scan tumour cells in circulating blood

Very clever technology – super-accurate blood test without taking a drop of blood


Key points from article :

New laser based technology known as Cytophone can scan circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in blood.

Laser pulses spotted CTCs running through veins of patients with melanoma and blasted them.

1000 times more sensitive results within 10 seconds to 60 minutes without venepuncture.

Dealt with varied skin pigmentation in the people it scanned and their movement.

More research needed before it can be used as a treatment for cancer.

Research by University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences published in Science Translational Medicine.

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Science Translational Medicine

Journal that publish papers with topics related to translational medicine

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)

Comprehensive academic health center.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Cancer, Diagnostics