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Data from individual cells holds the key to a longer & healthier life

Aim to intervene in ageing-related diseases before they cause harm. Sounds like curing ageing!


Key points from article :

Simultaneous analysis of millions of individual cells could revolutionise treatments of age related diseases.

Machine learning can examine data from various single cell multi-omics & biological samples.

An innovation in the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological, inflammatory & infectious diseases.

Such data will help provide earlier, detailed diagnoses and more personalised treatment plans.

“What we’re aiming for is not to cure a disease when it is already very harmful: it’s really to try and capture when things are deviating from the normal to be able to intervene very early on" - Geneviève Almouzni, coordinator.

Improving access to data could help train algorithms and get these AI tools into clinical use.

But Europe has some of the strictest data protection laws in the world.

Another challenge is funding.

Research by LifeTime Initiative.

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Geneviève Almouzni

Head of the Chromatin Dynamics team Research center of Institut Curie.

LifeTime Initiative

Aims to track, understand and target human cells during the onset and progression of complex diseases

Topics mentioned on this page:
Ageing Research, Diagnostics