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Longevity.Technology interviews Buck Institute’s President and CEO Eric Verdin

Includes updates on NAPA Therapeutics and BHB Therapeutics


Key points from article :

Started out working on the molecular biology of HIV.

Ended up cloning a family of proteins, called Sirtuins.

Lab took a new direction into aging research.

As we age, a pathway linked to tissue repair gets aberrantly activated and produces a lot of unnecessary inflammation.

This inflammation is connected to many of the chronic diseases of aging.

The modern study of aging is about 25 to 30 years old.

We’re now wondering if we can start applying our knowledge to people.

Have an understanding many aging pathways - what we don’t know is how to put them all together.

As we age, there are more proteins that are chewing up NAD+.

Spinout NAPA Therapeutics is trying to identify those proteins.

Could take five to ten years.

Benefits of ketogenic diets replicated in mice.

BHB Therapeutics is checking if giving Beta-Hydroxybutyrate to people recapitulates the benefits.

Have synthesised esters of BHB and are about to test that delivery method.

Supplement could be ready in a couple of years.

Mentioned in this article:

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BHB Therapeutics

Developing preventative medicines for age-related disease using ketone bodies

Buck Institute

Independent biomedical research institute focused on aging

Eric Verdin

CEO & President at Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Napa Therapeutics

Focused on a novel target linked to one of the fundamental processes of aging

Topics mentioned on this page:
Ageing Research, NAD+