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LEAF interviews Reason about his views on epigenetic clocks

It does seem way to early to be settling for any single type of clock for rejuvenation research


Key points from article :

He still isn’t convinced that methylation is very useful in assessing biological age.

People are using methylation clocks because it is really useful to convince investors, grant writers, etc.

David Sinclair showed that epigenetic change is downstream of double-strand breaks.

But can't say it is a root cause.

Composite biomarkers of frailty are meaningful.

But all of the others have yet to be shown to be good enough that one can test new approaches.

It is possible to get good correlations with biomarkers that are only sensitive to the consequences of one or two forms of damage.

Regarding Repair Biotechnologies' thymus rejuvenation approach:

Regrowth of the thymus is based on upregulation of FOXN1, a master regulator of thymic growth and function.

Past the proof of principle stage in mice and working on the formulation of the therapy.

Simple immune system biomarkers are fairly well established.

Uses flow cytometry to count immune cells with various different surface markers.

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CEO of Repair Technologies and founder of Fight Aging

Repair Biotechnologies

Biotechnology company focused on developing drugs for cholesterol and aging-related diseases

Topics mentioned on this page:
Biological Age, Epigenetics