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Lab-grown bone cell breakthrough


Key points from article :

Nanokicking used to grow 3D samples of mineralised bone for the first time.

Laser interferometer systems turn mesenchymal cells into bone cells in three dimensions.

Development has already helped to save a dog's leg being amputated.

Human trials expected as early as 2020 in the NHS.

Bone grafts are used in reconstructive and orthopaedic surgeries.

The study was published in the Nature Biomedical Engineering.

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Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez

Chair of Biomedical Engineering at The University of Glasgow.

Matthew Dalby

Director of the lifETIME CDT and Professor of Cell Engineering at the University of Glasgow.

Nature Biomedical Engineering

Scientific journal covering research of human disease, or its prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

University of Galway

Public research university in Galway, Ireland

University of Glasgow

Public research university for UK and international students

University of Strathclyde

Public research university in Glasgow, Scotland.

University of the West of Scotland (UWS)

Public research university in Paisley, Scotland.

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Regenerative Medicine