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Highlights on dietary cholesterol associated heart health

AHA recommends to opt for healthier fats in place of complete withdrawal


Key points from article :

Elimination of specific dietary cholesterol recommendations raised questions about cardiovascular disease.

Mean cholesterol intake in the US is about 137 mg/1000 kcal; higher in men and some racial/ethnic groups.

Meat and seafood contribute 42% of the total cholesterol intake, eggs 25%.

Observational studies have not supported an association between dietary cholesterol and CVD risk.

Most studies do not adjust for types of dietary fat.

Every 100 mg/day increase in dietary cholesterol predicted an LDL-C increase of 1.90-4.58 mg/dl.

Dietary cholesterol was marginally associated with a significant change in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Mediterranean-style and DASH-style diets have a relatively high ratio of PUFA to saturated fatty acid and are low in cholesterol.

Consumption of up to two eggs per day is acceptable within the context of a heart-healthy dietary pattern.

Research published in the Journal Circulation.

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Scientific Journal providing information about cardiovascular health and diesases.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Cholesterol (dietary), Heart Disease