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Good physical health could boost ageing mind

Declining muscle strength and ageing cognitive function are linked


Key points from article :

Loss of muscle strength and not muscle mass is associated with declining cognitive health.

Results from a computer-based test assessing psychomotor function were analysed along with physical health evaluations.

Strong relationship between hand grip strength, walking speed and psychomotor function was found.

Muscle strength deteriorates more quickly than muscle mass.

Parallel decline in cognitive function and loss of muscle strength places elderly people at increased risk of personal injury.

Study included men over 60 who were followed up from 1990.

Ms Sophia Sui at Deakin University: ”Targeted muscle strengthening exercises, healthy weight and protein rich diet could help delay cognitive decline”.

Research by Deakin University published in Nature.

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Deakin University

Public University In Australia named after the second Prime Minister of Australia, Alfred Deakin.


Scientific journal covering research from a variety of academic disciplines, mostly in science and technology

Sophia Sui

PhD student at Deakin University

Topics mentioned on this page:
Biological Age, Mental Health