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Elderly with poor sense of smell 30% more likely to die over 13 year study

Smell could be another candidate for a biological age marker


Key points from article :

Researchers have linked poor sense of smell with increased mortality.

2,000 US adults, aged 76 years on average, given a smell test, then tracked for over a decade.

Smell test checked ability to recognise distinct odours such as chocolate, lemon, and petrol.

Those with poor sense of smell 30% more likely to have died 13 years later.

Strongest link was with deaths from degenerative brain conditions (e.g. Parkinson's, dementia).

Nervous system changes in these brain conditions may also affect nerves use to sense smell.

Contrary to some headlines, a smell test for dementia is not feasible at the moment.

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Annals of Internal Medicine

Internal medicine journal

University of Nottingham

Public research university.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Biological Age, Mental Health