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Andrew Steele's 9 tips on living a longer, healthier life

The author of Ageless doesn't fall for the faddish approaches to slowing ageing but recommends things that actually work


Key points from article :

Biological age is a better indicator of health, than years lived.

Epigenetic tests are expensive and inconsistent.

Simple physical tests such as appearance, walking speed and standing on one leg are also good measures of biological age.

9 tips to delay biological ageing:

  • weekly strength training (aka resistance training), including press-ups, maintains muscle that has metabolic function as well as just making us move
  • eat more fruit, legumes, nuts and wholegrains, and cut down on meat - basically a sensible diet, ignoring fads. The jury is still out on fasting.
  • maintain good oral hygiene (brush your teeth!) as bad teeth and gums can increase inflammation leading to heart disease and more
  • aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night
  • protect your eyes - UV light can lead to cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
  • wear sunscreen to prevent damage to collagen and other structural proteins in your skin strong (which leads to wrinkles and worse)
  • don't waste money on high-profile longevity programs and supplements - little has been proven to work, and combinations of pills could have negative effects
  • wash your hands to prevent infection - including from human papillomavirus (HPV, which causes cervical cancer) and cytomegalovirus (CMV, accelerate the ageing of the immune system)
  • learn about the biology of ageing and longevity - future treatments could slow down ageing 

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Andrew Steele

Scientist, writer (author of Ageless) and presenter

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Andrew Steele's 9 tips on living a longer, healthier life