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A new epigenetic clock that can predict your mortality risk

GrimAge can accurately predict all cause-mortality than any other clock


Key points from article :

A new clock 'GrimAge' is a strong predictor of all-cause mortality - the likelihood of dying from any cause.

490 people were tested for eight metrics which included some physical and cognitive tests.

4 different clocks including GrimAge were used.

The cohort was investigated for predictors of health outcomes and factors known to affect health.

GrimAge predicted 7 of the 8 tested items.

It was very successful at predicting all-cause mortality, and none of the other clocks came close.

GrimAge may be a useful clinical endpoint for testing the efficacy of rejuvenation therapies.

Even more efficient epigenetic clocks can be developed in the future.

A variety of clocks trained on individual age-related conditions and diseases may be developed soon.

Research by Trinity College Dublin published in Journal of Gerontology.

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The Journals of Gerontology, Series A

Scientific journal covering the field of aging

Trinity College Dublin

Ireland's highest-ranked university with a 430-year history of teaching and research

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