Ethics Resources
Click on resource name for more details.
Hacking the Code of Life: How gene editing will rewrite our futures
Book written by virologist Nessa Carey
New Methuselahs: The Ethics of Life-Extension
John Davis offers a philosophical discussion of the ethical issues raised by the possibility of human life extension
Eureka Conference 2025
Conference organised by Milutin Stanisavljević Miles (Stuttgart, Germany)
Conference on Healthy Longevity 2024
Event about longevity organised by Society for Vital Life Extension of Slovenia (Ljubljana, Slovenia, FREE)
LEVITY Podcast
Ageing Science and radical life extension podcast with Peter Ottsjö and Ingemar Patrick Linden
Longevity Cafe : Ethics of Life Extension - Coffee and Chat
The club's Longevity Cafe Meetup group will be discussing ethics of longevity (FREE)
Aging in World History
In Aging in World History, author David G. Troyansky presents the first global history of aging
Suicide Club
How does society react when the vision of biological immortality has become reality, but has not yet fully arrived, written by Rachel Heng
Altered Inheritance: CRISPR and the Ethics of Human Genome Editing
Insights into the scientific, ethical, and political implications of human genome editing written by Françoise Baylis
The future of thinking about death
Philosopher Ingemar Patrick Linden talks about his new book, The Case Against Death, at this London Futurists online event (FREE)
Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Independent body that examines and reports on ethical issues in biology and medicine