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Company aiming to synchronize the timing of medical treatment with an individual's biological rhythm

TimeTeller® combines research results on molecular interactions of the internal biological clock with clock-controlled genes and their impact in diseases. TimeTeller® is a spin-off of the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and builds upon the research of the Circadian Medicine and Systems Biology research group lead by Angela Relógio.

TimeTeller® as a project was initially funded by Inventors for Health (I4H)-program by the Stiftung Charité and later by the Digital Health Accelerator (DHA) from the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH). Within these programs a medical device was developed. Benjamin Dose joined the TimeTeller® project at this stage to support the team amongst others in regulatory matters. In March 2023 TimeTeller® was founded as a GmbH by Angela Relógio, the Ascenion GmbH (the technology transfer partner of Charité) and Benjamin Dose.

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Details last updated 07-Feb-2025

People at TimeTeller

Angela Relogio

Professor for Systems Medicine at MSH Medical School Hamburg and CEO and founder at TimeTeller