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Angela Relogio

Professor for Systems Medicine at MSH Medical School Hamburg and CEO and founder at TimeTeller

Prof. Dr. Angela Relógio is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of systems medicine and chronobiology and holds the chair for systems medicine at the MSH Medical School Hamburg and heads the Institute for Systems Medicine. She is the founder of the innovative start-up TimeTeller, a spin-off of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. In her research, she investigates the effects of the biological clock on diseases such as cancer, neurodegeneration, the aging process, as well as on women's health and athletic performance. Her chronotherapeutic approaches optimize medication intake and promote health by aligning with the body's natural biological rhythms.

Together with her team, Prof. Relógio has developed TimeTeller, a system for determining the internal biological clock. This technology not only improves cancer therapies and increases athletic performance, but also optimizes the timing of training, meals and rest to make the best possible use of the individual rhythm, which has a strong influence on the aging process and helps the body maintain its state of health.

Prof. Relógio has been honored with numerous awards for her outstanding scientific achievements as well as her entrepreneurial successes, including the Health Innovation Award 2023 and the "Newcomer of the Year" award at the German Startup Awards 2024.

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See also


Company aiming to synchronize the timing of medical treatment with an individual's biological rhythm

Details last updated 07-Feb-2025

Angela Relogio is also referenced in the following:

Turn Around Aging 2025


Conference focused on healthy longevity (Munich, Germany)