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The Lothian Birth Cohort 1936

Cohort study on influences on cognitive ageing

A study to examine influences on cognitive ageing from age 11 to age 70 and beyond.

The study is designed as a follow-up cohort study. The participants comprise surviving members of the Scottish Mental Survey of 1947 (SMS1947; N = 70,805) who reside in the Edinburgh area (Lothian) of Scotland. The SMS1947 applied a valid test of general intelligence to all children born in 1936 and attending Scottish schools in June 1947. A total of 1091 participants make up the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. They undertook: a medical interview and examination; physical fitness testing; extensive cognitive testing (reasoning, memory, speed of information processing, and executive function); personality, quality of life and other psycho-social questionnaires; and a food frequency questionnaire. They have taken the same mental ability test (the Moray House Test No. 12) at age 11 and age 70. They provided blood samples for DNA extraction and testing and other biomarker analyses. Here we describe the background and aims of the study, the recruitment procedures and details of numbers tested, and the details of all examinations.

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See also

Ian Deary

Professor of Differential Psychology at The University of Edinburgh.

Details last updated 20-Apr-2020

The Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 News

Early life intelligence can impact physiological age and later-life health

Early life intelligence can impact physiological age and later-life health

PsyPost - 17-Apr-2020

Once again highlights the importance of early life on healthy older ageing