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Sergio M.L. Tarrero

President at the Alianza Futurista

Sergio Martínez de Lahidalga Tarrero, BSc, is a screenwriter and filmmaker deeply concerned with the institutionally mediated transmission of socially corrosive beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors. His abiding interest in the forces that drive people apart, particularly those deriving from religious doctrine, inspired him from a young age to ponder what it would take to move people to embrace the primacy of rational thinking over enculturated dogma. In Sergio’s view, an important idea to disseminate widely is that an ethical and contemplative life does not depend on theological postulates.

Since 2004, Sergio has been involved in the video archiving and preservation of seminal events in the fields of nanotechnology (Foresight Institute) and life extension (Immortality Institute, World Transhumanist Association). He is also involved in capital development and fundraising for key business and non-profit organizations, including the Lifeboat Foundation and the Machine Intelligence Research Institute. He has also recently established a publishing company in Spain in order to disseminate landmark works in the Spanish speaking world. Among the first books to be published in Spanish by Editorial Paradigma are Sam Harris’ The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation.

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See also

Alianza Futurista

Spanish transhumanist political party

Details last updated 19-Sep-2021

Sergio M.L. Tarrero is also referenced in the following:

Transvision Madrid 2021

08-Oct-2021 to 10-Oct-2021

World congress discussing on futurist concepts like longevity extension, artificial intelligence, human enhancement and other technologies with first humanoid robot speaker, Sophia, organized by HumanityPlus.