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Section 32

venture capital firm investing at the frontiers of technology, healthcare and the life sciences.

Section 32 is a venture capital fund investing at the frontiers of technology, healthcare and the life sciences. Founded by Bill Maris.

Section 32 focus areas include biotechnology, therapeutics, advanced diagnostics, precision medicine, software, cybersecurity, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

The firm’s goal is to improve the human condition by accelerating the discovery, development, adoption and distribution of important technologies and life saving medicines.

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Details last updated 14-Nov-2020

People at Section 32

Steve Kafka

Managing Partner of Section 32 and former president of Foundation Medicine

Bill Maris

Entrepreneur and founder of Section 32

Section 32 News

Bill Maris brings new people for his new venture-section 32

CNBC - 20-May-2020

Calico creator is now investing on frontier technology, healthcare & lifescience