Quantum Healthy Longevity
Event about Healthy longevity innovation mission by Collider Health (FREE)
There are two key global mega challenges for humanity – healthy people and healthy planet. Given unprecedented economic uncertainty, geo-political strife and post-pandemic recovery challenges, it is critical to radically reimagine short, medium and long-term responses at a global, societal and individual level. With a keynote address by Lord Bethell, former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Technology, Innovation and Life Sciences, this session will look at how we can take a quantum leap forward to accelerate healthy people, planet and growth, exploring the economics, the politics and the technologies that can unlock innovation and impact at scale. The case will be made that health cannot be ignored to achieve economic growth in the pro-growth, low-regulation strategy of the new UK government. The business and investor community can be harnessed as a major disruptive force to drive the system changes needed to enhance health and minimise health and wellbeing inequalities with healthy longevity at the heart of all policies.
Tina Woods, Founder & CEO, Collider Health; Co-Founder & CEO, Business for Health, Healthy Longevity Champion, National Innovation Centre for Ageing, is overall MC
This event is part of Longevity Week.
Chairs of the sessions are:
Rt Hon Damian Green, MP
John Godfrey, Levelling Up Director, Legal & General
Professor Nic Palmarini, Director, National Innovation Centre for Ageing
• David Furman
• Harris Eyre
• Jordan Cummins
• Kieron Boyle
• Lynne Corner
• Lynne Cox
• Michael Marmot
• Nir Barzilai
• Richard Siow
• Tracy Garrad
Visit website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/quantum-healthy-longevity-tickets-430937294047
See alsoCollider Health
Ecosystem architect working with organisations to accelerate innovation and transform health
Details last updated 20-Oct-2022
Interested in more events? View the club's event calendar.
Mentioned in this Resource
David Furman
Director of the Buck Artificial Intelligence Platform & Stanford 1000 Immunomes Project
Harris Eyre
Lead of the Brain Capital Alliance, Senior Fellow for Brain Capital, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
Kieron Boyle
Chief Executive of Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation and leader on new models of impact and commercial approaches to social change
Longevity Week 2022
14-Nov-2022 to 18-Nov-2022
Organised by the Longevity Forum - more details coming
Lynne Corner
Professor at Newcastle University, Director of VOICE, UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing
Quantum Healthy Longevity is also referenced in the following:
Longevity Week 2022
14-Nov-2022 to 18-Nov-2022
Organised by the Longevity Forum - more details coming