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Physiology & Behavior

Journal covering research in the area of behavioral and cognitive neuroscience.

Physiology & Behavior is aimed at the causal physiological mechanisms of behavior and its modulation by environmental factors. The journal invites original reports in the broad area of behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, where the interaction of physiology and behavior is the prerequisite for all published material. The range of subjects includes behavioral neuroendocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology, learning and memory, ingestion,taste, social behavior, exercise (as it relates to behavior), studies related to the mechanisms of psychopathology and studies using animal models with the purpose of translating the findings to humans. Purely pharmacological studies (either using natural compounds or synthetic chemicals), studies on improving human performance beyond physiological adaptations, or studies on improving livestock production are not in the focus of the Journal.

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See also: Company Elsevier - Elsevier is a global information analytics business in science, health and technology

Details last updated 17-Sep-2020

Physiology & Behavior News

Study explains how western diet leads to overeating and obesity

Study explains how western diet leads to overeating and obesity

Medical Xpress - 11-Jan-2017

Western diet-induced obesity linked to elevated endocannabinoid signalling