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Nika Pintar

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Ani Biome

In her mid-twenties, Nika faced severe gastric issues, including stomach ulcers, polyps, and chronic gastritis, all caused by painkillers prescribed after routine surgery. Initially, physicians dismissed her concerns, and she struggled with the impact of inflammation on her mental wellbeing.

Determined to improve her quality of life, Nika discovered the power of a consistent fermented diet routine. She started digging into the science behind and the mechanisms of interaction between the gut and mind.

That is why she founded Ani Biome, to offer personalised, science-backed solutions to rejuvenate the gut and enhance overall vitality.

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See also: Company Ani Biome - Longevity-driven start-up that creates daily rituals for gut microbiome health management

Details last updated 20-Aug-2023

Nika Pintar is also referenced in the following:

ARDD 2023 - 10th Aging Research & Drug Discovery Meeting

28-Aug-2023 to 01-Sep-2023

Event about latest progress in the molecular, cellular and organismal basis of aging organized by University of Copenhagen