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Epigenetic Science Company

Our vision is the mass personalisation of preventive and curative healthcare through epigenetics. Prevention is better and cheaper than cure and inspiring people to develop healthy long-term habits is good for them and good for society. Health is in your genes. By discovering and exploiting your genetic gifts Muhdo will inspire, support and guide you to a healthier, happier, longer life. After all, your health matters.

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Details last updated 17-May-2021

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Muhdo is also referenced in the following:

Hacking your health

BBC Click meets biohackers and companies who believe it will be possible to live on to well beyond 100

People at Muhdo

Nathan Berkley

CEO at Muhdo

James Brown

Co-Founder and Nutrigenomics Director at Muhdo.

Topics mentioned on this page:
DNA Testing, Biological Age