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Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)

Russian university known informally as PhysTech

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT, Phystech) was created in 1946 by Leading Soviet scientists and Government as an advanced educational and research Institution with primary concentration in Physics. MIPT quickly assumed a leading position in this field and became known internationally. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of MIPT for Soviet Physics and Science in general...

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Details last updated 04-Mar-2020

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) News

Blood cells and footsteps count predict the maximum human lifespan

Blood cells and footsteps count predict the maximum human lifespan

Scientific American - 25-May-2021

A natural limit of 120-150 is a good start before even starting rejuvenation therapies

Right amount of lab-grown retinal cells can cure glaucoma

Right amount of lab-grown retinal cells can cure glaucoma

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) - 19-Apr-2021

For the first time, cultured retinal cells transplanted & survived in the eyes of mice for a year

Scientists manufactures artificial organoids using automation

Scientists manufactures artificial organoids using automation

Lab Manager - 11-Nov-2020

Semi-automating tissue differentiation makes artificial tissues at a faster rate

Distracting the immune system boosts efficiency of therapeutic nanoparticles

Distracting the immune system boosts efficiency of therapeutic nanoparticles

Nano Magazine - 17-Jul-2020

Universal approach works with wide variety of nanoagents from 8 nm quantum dots to larger nanobots

Using AI to Predict Biological Age

Using AI to Predict Biological Age

Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN) - 30-Mar-2018

Physical activity data from wearables can produce digital biomarkers of aging. AI-based algorith...

Fir extract could have anti-cancer and anti-aging properties

Fir extract could have anti-cancer and anti-aging properties

Medical Xpress - 28-Feb-2017

Effects of Siberian fir terpenoids on senescent and human cancer cell lines studied at the geneti...

Weak doses of radiation prolong life of female flies

Weak doses of radiation prolong life of female flies

Medical Xpress - 24-Aug-2015

Hormesis, where moderate stress has a stimulating effect on an organism and enables the prolongat...

People at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)

Evgenii Kegeles

Academic Researcher at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Svetlana Zhikrivetskaya

Junior Research Associate, PhD student in Laboratory of Genetics of Aging and Longevity at MIPT.

Maxim Nikitin

Senior researcher and head of Nanobiotechnology Lab at MIPT