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Scientific journal covering the general field of materials science

Matter, a sister journal to Cell, is a monthly journal encompassing the general field of materials science, from nano to macro, fundamentals to application. Recognizing that materials discovery and development facilitate groundbreaking technologies bridging multiple disciplines, Matter will embrace all significant advances in materials research, encompassing the previously unknown and the innovative.

A key focus will be on transformative research, related to fundamental structure, synthesis and assembly, properties and performance of emerging material systems, as well as novel characterization methods, thereby encapsulating key aspects of materials science. Materials of focus can be any state, any scale, any composition – i.e., any Matter - with scientific or technological interest, theoretical or otherwise.

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Details last updated 17-Oct-2020

Matter News

Forget your smartwatch! Chip on skin tracks health with AI-based data analysis

The University of Chicago - 13-Aug-2022

Unlike a typical computer, Neuromorphic Chip mimics a human brain


Electronic blood vessels could replace damaged arteries

IEEE Spectrum - 06-Oct-2020

Not just replacing, but enhancing - could include sensors and drug reservoirs