I am a science writer who is enthralled with the life sciences, health sciences, and medical humanities. I've always been naturally curious about various fields - and writing has allowed me to learn about such fascinating subjects and share my excitement and wonder with others.
I received my Bachelor’s degree in Professional and Technical Writing from Virginia Tech in 2019. During my collegiate experience, my love for science communication flourished and I decided to blaze my own path in science writing. As I was taking technical writing courses, I was also studying Human Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, Medical Dilemmas, Narrative Medicine, and other courses that would bolster my credibility as a science writer.
I believe that I have natural curiosity, motivation, and the ability to work with others in a diverse team setting. I also have great organizational skills, which is crucial for this type of work. With the current distrust in journalism and science, I feel as though it is my duty to remove that distrust by providing accurate and clear scientific information to the public.