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Javier Cremades

Lawyer and founding partner at the Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo law firm

He is president and founder of Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo, a prestigious international law firm with a presence in 15 cities in 8 countries.

Doctor of Law from the University of Regensburg (Germany), Doctor of Law from UNED (Spain) and Doctor Honoris Causa from the International University of Valencia (UIV).

His innovative way of practicing law is characterized by global leadership, innovation, trust and commitment.

His career has been recognized by Forbes magazine as Lawyer of the Year in Spain (2015-2016) and by the World Jurist Association (2017-2018), as Lawyer of the Year.

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See also

Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo

Law company specialized in economics and financial services

Details last updated 19-Sep-2021

Javier Cremades is also referenced in the following:

Transvision Madrid 2021

08-Oct-2021 to 10-Oct-2021

World congress discussing on futurist concepts like longevity extension, artificial intelligence, human enhancement and other technologies with first humanoid robot speaker, Sophia, organized by HumanityPlus.