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Jack Griffith

Distinguished Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, Biochemistry and Biophysics at UNC school of medicine

Jack D. Griffith, PhD, is a UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center member and Kenan Distinguished Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at UNC-Chapel Hill. Griffith Lab centers around basic questions of DNA-protein interactions as they impinge on cancer, AIDS and several inherited genetic diseases.

I was brought up in Alaska and obtained by BA degree at Occidental College in physics and a PhD at Caltech. I did postdoctoral work with Arthur Kornberg before moving to UNC in 1978. Our laboratory continues to focus on DNA-protein interactions combining EM, biochemistry, genetics, and modern molecular approaches. Our projects are described in more detail in the “research opportunities” page. My students and fellows have been very successful in their careers in academia and industry. My ideal graduate student finishes in 4.5 years with 6-8 papers and goes on to a strong laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow. We have had numerous students meet or exceed this standard.

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See also

UNC School of Medicine

University of North Carolina public school of medicine.

Details last updated 23-Feb-2023

Jack Griffith News

Telomeres encode two novel signaling proteins may change our understanding of cancer and aging

Telomeres encode two novel signaling proteins may change our understanding of cancer and aging - 20-Feb-2023

Blood tests for proteins encoded by telomeres could give information of biological age and cancer