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Hazel Cheeseman

Director of policy, Action on Smoking and Health

Hazel Cheeseman is director of policy at Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). Hazel has worked across health and social care policy in the UK and abroad. She currently leads ASH’s policy development work. With a background in health and housing policy Hazel has particular expertise in local government and the delivery at a local level. In addition to her policy role Hazel co-ordinates the Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group and the Mental Health and Smoking Partnership. She got masters in Public Policy Analysis from Queen Mary University of London.

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See also

Queen Mary University of London

Public research university in London, England

Details last updated 20-Dec-2020

Hazel Cheeseman News

People who smoke cannabis are at equal risk as tobacco users

People who smoke cannabis are at equal risk as tobacco users

Guardian - 19-Dec-2020

Cannabis users are unaware of its negative health effects and lifetime addiction