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Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

Journal covering pathogenic microorganisms and their interaction with their hosts

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology includes research on bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, endosymbionts, prions and all microbial pathogens as well as the microbiota and its effect on health and disease in various hosts. The research approaches include molecular microbiology, cellular microbiology, gene regulation, proteomics, signal transduction, pathogenic evolution, genomics, structural biology, and virulence factors as well as model hosts. Areas of research to counteract infectious agents by the host include the host innate and adaptive immune responses as well as metabolic restrictions to various pathogenic microorganisms, vaccine design and development against various pathogenic microorganisms, and the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance and its countermeasures.

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Details last updated 21-Apr-2020

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology News

How external factors could influence Alzheimer’s disease via the gut microbiome (LEAF) - 20-Apr-2020

Early study into complex neurochemical relationship between brain, gut and inflammaging