Fernando Botella
CEO at Think&Action, Speaker and Business Trainer
Degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Valencia; Master in Business Administration and Management from ICADE; Executive Coach Diploma from the European School of Coaching; member of the USA Neuroleadership Institute and of the “Education & Technology” seminar at Harvard University.
He has an extensive career as a manager, since for more than 20 years he held different positions at this level in the areas of Marketing and Sales in the pharmaceutical industry.
He currently runs his own company, Think & Action, a consulting firm specializing in talent development and organizational innovation and transformation, whose clients include multinationals such as Bayer, Repsol, Lilly, Desigual, Danone or Inditex, among many others.
Visit website: https://fernandobotella.com/
See alsoDetails last updated 19-Sep-2021
Fernando Botella is also referenced in the following:
Transvision Madrid 2021
08-Oct-2021 to 10-Oct-2021
World congress discussing on futurist concepts like longevity extension, artificial intelligence, human enhancement and other technologies with first humanoid robot speaker, Sophia, organized by HumanityPlus.