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Ecstadelic Media Group

Digital Media and Publishing Company covering Intelligence Supernova, Transhumanism, Singularity, Syntellect Emergence

A media hub on the latest cutting-edge scientific research, technological breakthroughs and emerging trends. Ecstadelic Media Group is all about digital transformation as we are rapidly approaching the "end" of our linear human history – the "Intelligence Supernova"​ – the Cybernetic Singularity! Today's meta-trends such as acceleration of technological progress, connectivity explosion and digitalization of everything will inevitably lead to the convergent point that would signify no less than Self-Transcendence, ​in other words, engineered godhood.

Most of us are familiar with the concept of Technological Singularity. But what will happen to us on a civilizational scale? ​The phenomenon, known as the Syntellect Emergence, is already seen on the horizon, when Digital Gaia, the global neural network of billions of hyper-connected humans and ultra-intelligent machines, and trillions of sensors around the planet, "wakes up"​ as a living, conscious superorganism. It is when, essentially, you transcend to the higher Gaian Mind... You might then have another question: ​So, what is the science behind these extraordinary claims?

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Details last updated 03-Jun-2022

People at Ecstadelic Media Group

Alex Vikoulov

Futurist, author and CEO of Ecstadelic Media Group