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Dana Smith

Research Specialist, Biochemistry and Biophysics at UCSF

Dana Smith is a Research Specialist and Lab Manager at UCSF. 

Research: Investigating the Role of Telomeres in Meiosis. Lab Management: Organizing space, supplies, equipment, finances, repairs, and regulatory compliance for a lab of 12-14 people.

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See also

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Public research university that is part of the University of California system and dedicated entirely to health science

Details last updated 23-Jul-2022

Articles written by Dana Smith

Reducing Inflamm-Aging by topical skin application, beneficial in chronically aged

Reducing Inflamm-Aging by topical skin application, beneficial in chronically aged

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) - 13-Mar-2019

Rejuvenating the skin can reverse “inflamm-aging may have profound health effects