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Cosmica Biosciences

Company Accelerating Drug Discovery for Longevity

Outer space is the final frontier for human exploration and presents a unique opportunity to explore human physiology. Indeed, exposure to microgravity and radiation in space accelerates the rate of cellular and organismal aging. Understanding these physiological changes in space has the potential to unlock new biomarkers and interventions that extend human health and lifespan on earth, as well as mitigate the risks of space exploration. The Buck Institute is a Center of Excellence in aging and longevity and has taken the first steps toward applying spaceflight research to uncover the biological mechanisms of human aging. Leading this effort is a team of world-class scientists from renowned academic institutions who've formed the first Consortium for Space Medicine and Human Longevity. To achieve maximum societal impact, the Buck has spun off Cosmica Inc. to pursue the translation of their core technology. To accomplish this mission, Cosmica was founded by a multidisciplinary team of thought-leaders in space medicine and longevity science unified under the mission to extend human longevity on earth and enable interplanetary human settlement.

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Details last updated 23-Jun-2023

Cosmica Biosciences News

Reason reports back from Age-Related Disease Therapeutics Summit 2023

Fight Aging! - 16-Jun-2023

Many people believe lots of clinical trials of novel therapeutics targeting mechanisms of aging will start up in the next few years