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Cellular Senescence Network (SenNet)

Consortium to comprehensively identify and characterize the differences in senescent cells across the body

The National Institutes of Health Common Fund’s Cellular Senescence Network Program was established to comprehensively identify and characterize the differences in senescent cells across the body, across various states of human health, and across the lifespan at single-cell resolution. 

SenNet deliverables will provide a sound platform to develop approaches for the betterment of human health. This will be achieved by:

  • generating multimodal atlases that characterize the heterogeneity and spatial distribution of senescent cells in health and across the lifespan, at single cell resolution
  • determining reliable biomarker panels to identify senescent cells as well as their secretory properties in vivo and/or ex vivo
  • establishing the next generation of tools, and experimental and computational model systems amenable to perturbations, necessary to construct high resolution atlases of cellular senescence
  • establishing parameters for regulating senescence, both at the level of inducers and their removal through senolytics, immune therapy, or other means
  • dramatically improving imaging tools to identify and validate senescence at the cellular, tissue and whole-body levels

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Details last updated 23-Dec-2022

Cellular Senescence Network (SenNet) News

Cellular Senescence Network (SenNet) to identify and characterize senescent cells

Cellular Senescence Network (SenNet) to identify and characterize senescent cells

Nature Aging - 20-Dec-2022

Grand plan includes creation of imaging datasets, new tools, techniques, and biomarker panels

SenNet: a new NIH initiative to fight ageing

SenNet: a new NIH initiative to fight ageing (LEAF) - 06-Apr-2021

Establishing a massive database on cellular senescence to improve human health

Mentioned in this Resource

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Medical research agency that supports scientific studies

Topics mentioned on this page:
Senescent Cells, Ageing Research