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Adolfo Castilla

Professor of Applied Economics at the Nebrija University

He is currently Professor of Applied Economics at the Nebrija University. Professor at CEPADE (U. P. M.) and at the Francisco de Vitoria University. President of "Adolfo Castilla y Asociados, S. L.". He was a fellow of the March Foundation in the USA for studies and research in Technological Forecasting and Foresight. On his return he was an expert at the National Prospective Institute until its closure. Former member of the High Advisory Council of the Spanish Institute of Engineering, President of AESPLAN, President of the Spanish Chapter of the World Future Society, Member of the Steering Committee of the LINK Project of the United Nations.

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See also: Academia Nebrija University - Private university in Hoyo de Manzanares, Spain

Details last updated 19-Sep-2021

Adolfo Castilla is also referenced in the following:

Transvision Madrid 2021

08-Oct-2021 to 10-Oct-2021

World congress discussing on futurist concepts like longevity extension, artificial intelligence, human enhancement and other technologies with first humanoid robot speaker, Sophia, organized by HumanityPlus.