20 years of Longevity Activism
U.S. Transhumanist Party Virtual Enlightenment Salon with Ilia Stambler
Ilia Stambler, PhD, will discuss his 20 years of experience as a life-extension activist, how his work has developed over time, and where he sees longevity activism needing to expand in the coming years.
Ilia Stambler, PhD, is Chief Science Officer and Chairman of “Vetek” (Seniority) – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel). He received his PhD at the Department of Science, Technology and Society, Bar Ilan University, Israel. His research has focused on the historical and social implications of aging and life-extension research. He is also involved in mathematical modeling of aging and aging-related diseases.
Visit website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNZ7ps-wMZc
See alsoUS Transhumanist Party
US political party that is based on the ideas and principles of transhumanist politics
Details last updated 11-Feb-2022
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Mentioned in this Resource
Ilia Stambler
Researcher at Bar Ilan University, Chief Science Officer at Vetek (Seniority) - the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel)