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Turn Bio licenses mRNA technology to undo ageing effects

A revolutionary technology research to provide the cure for age-related diseases


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Turn Biotechnologies has acquired the global rights for new technology that reprograms cells to undo many of the effects of aging.

Licensed its epigenetic reprogramming of age (ERA™) technology.

“ERA technology is an extremely powerful platform and can be used to treat a variety of diseases,” - Anja Krammer, Turn CEO.

Uses messenger RNA (mRNA) to deliver transcription factors to the cells’ epigenome.

Transcription factors effectively revitalize the epigenome, restoring the cells’ ability to behave more youthfully.

“We will be able to turn back the clock on cellular vitality to heal or regenerate damaged tissue,” - Jay Sarkar, Chief technology officer.

An advantage of mRNA is that it is safe because it never enters the cell nucleus.

The use of mRNA heralds a revolution in the development of therapeutics safer, faster, more efficient, and tuneable to patient need.

Research by the Stanford School of Medicine published in the Journal Nature.

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Anja Krammer

CEO at Turn Biotechnologies


Scientific journal covering research from a variety of academic disciplines, mostly in science and technology

Stanford University School of Medicine

Medical school that improves health through discoveries and innovation in health care, education and research

Turn Biotechnologies

Focused on restoring cells’ youthful vigor to repair damage caused by the aging process

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