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Survey reveals unsettled views of ageing amongst researchers

Good news is that almost half the researchers believe age reversal is possible - unimaginable 5 years ago


Key points from article :

Debate at 2019 Biology of Aging Symposium showed lack of clear consensus on ageing.

Systematic survey sent out to researchers/students, of which 37 responded.

Sample does not claim to be representative of a larger research population.

Areas of agreement:

- ageing should not be measured with a single metric

- ageing is not uniform across tissues

- ageing is largely a cellular and molecular process

- when does ageing start

Split decisions:

- ageing mechanisms are similar in most species

- wheter we have a good understanding of the basics of ageing

- ageing is genetically programmed

- ageing will be reversible

After lifestyle changes, most likely interventions to slow ageing are control of ageing pathways, senolytics, macromolecular damage reduction and immune system therapies.

Survey results published in Mechanisms of Ageing and Development.

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Mechanisms of Ageing and Development

Multidisciplinary journal aimed at mechanisms of ageing and development

Topics mentioned on this page:
Ageing Research