- Glycans are the ultimate layer of molecular complexity
- The majority of proteins are glycosylated
- Protein glycosylation adds an additional layer of complexity between gene sequence and protein function
- Glycome composition differs significantly between individuals
- Glycans are very complex and their analysis in challenging
- The GlycanAge clock of biological age is a functional effector of inflammation that can be modified by both lifestyle interventions and pharmacotherapy
- Changes of IgG glycome in many diseases resemble ageing
- IgG glycans associate with incident CVD events independently of clinical risk factors
- At least 16 genetic loci are involved in the regulation of the GlycanAge clock
Summary of Gordan Lauc presentation at Longevity Med Summit
Glycans are the most neglected molecules of cellular communication
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Gordan Lauc
Professor of Molecular Biology and Glycobiology at the University of Zagreb and founder and CEO of Genos
Longevity Med Summit
04-May-2023 to 05-May-2023
Annual gathering of the entire longevity ecosystem to tackle the aging problem