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SkinVision app uses machine-learning to identify risk of skin cancer early

Trained on over 3 million photos - no human specialist has ever reviewed that many


Key points from article :

SkinVision is using smartphone app for the early detection and monitoring of skin cancer.

Could save 250,000 lives in the next decade using machine learning.

Users take a photo of moles and other abnormalities, which are then uploaded to the cloud.

Machine learning-based network advises on risk of skin cancer, usually within 30 seconds.

App acts as a companion for users, offering advice on where to seek treatment.

Trained on data collected by 1.5 million app users and 3.5 million photos of skin abnormalities.

Company has identified 6,000 skin cancer cases in the UK since launching in 2016.

Positions itself as a complementary element; a support tool to help inform diagnoses.

“We’re helping GPs to get a second opinion,” CEO Erik de Heus explains.

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Creates SkinVision app to diagnose possible melanoma skin cancer symptoms.

SkinVision App

Skin cancer melanoma detection app

Topics mentioned on this page:
AI in Healthcare, Cancer