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Reactivating neural stem cells helps fight brain ageing

Abl1 gene as a potential drug target improved stem cell rejuvenation in aged mice


Key points from article :

The stem cells of the nervous system age rapidly.

"We're interested in the biological aging of neural stem cells," - Michael Bonaguidi, lead researcher.

By tracing individual neural stem cells (NSCs), identified short-term NSCs and long-term NSCs.

Long-term NSCs divided less often and failed to maintain their numbers as the mice aged.

Gene activity of the quiescent NSCs varied greatly in young versus middle-aged animals.

Among the pro-aging genes, scientists were most intrigued by Abl1.

Using chemotherapy drug Imatinib, scientists could easily inhibit the activity of the gene Abl1.

After the drug blocked Abl1, the NSCs began to divide more and proliferate in the hippocampus.

"Succeeded in getting neural stem cells to divide more without depleting."

" demonstrate that these additional neurons improve learning and memory."

"Progress towards identifying prescription drugs that could rejuvenate our brains as we grow older."

Study by Keck School of Medicine of USC published in Cell Stem Cell.

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Cell Stem Cell

Scientific journal covering stem cell biology.

Keck School of Medicine of USC

Academic Medical center.

Michael Bonaguidi

Assistant Professor in Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine at Keck School of Medicine

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Stem Cells, Mental Health