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Protect yourself from coronavirus as lockdown eased

Tips from New Scientist on returning to work and travelling around


Key points from article :

Biggest risk is spending a long time near an infected person in an enclosed space.

100x more likely to pass on at home than on public transport.

Risk higher when people are more physically active.

Regular, thorough handwashing is still advised.

Large, virus-packed droplets from infected people tend to settle within a few metres of their source.

Taxis carry numerous passengers, with risk from surfaces and from the driver.

Avoid busy stations where you mix together with people from different parts of the city/country.

If you stand next to the door of the bus, there will be lots of people passing by you at close distance.

On a plane, passengers seated by windows tend to have the lowest contact with other people.

Face coverings (masks) may help protect vulnerable people who temporarily enter high-risk places.

Children seem less likely to acquire the infection than adults.

One in a thousand people may remain infectious more than 14 days after exposure.

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