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Positive touch improves health and wellbeing with greater frequency

Researchers find consistent health benefits from positive physical contact


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Research from Ruhr University Bochum in Germany reveals that hugs, kisses, and massages offer significant health benefits like reduced pain, lower blood pressure, and improved sleep.

Positive touch helps combat depression and anxiety, and the key is in the frequency – the more touch, the better the effect on your wellbeing.

Surprisingly, even touch from non-humans like robots, weighted blankets, or body pillows can boost physical health, opening doors for the "warm tech" industry.

The source of touch matters for newborns, where parental touch has a greater positive influence than touch from health workers.

In adults, the relationship with the person providing the touch doesn't affect the benefits – touch from friends, partners, or health professionals works equally well.

The researchers encourage everyone to incorporate more frequent positive touch into their daily lives for improved health and wellbeing.

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Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB)

Public research university.

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Positive touch improves health and wellbeing with greater frequency